A Spring Bouquet


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No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. ~ Hal Borland

An adorable hat for your little girl to keep her head and ears warm in the Spring weather (and later in the year when it's even cooler out).

Size: 22" circumference, 7" length; Toddler.

Made from 100% acrylic yarn.

Care: Machine wash gently, machine dryable.

*This hat is one of a kind, if you are interested in something similar, contact me!*

Original pattern by Anna Ayling, made by Aradia’s Hand, part of my Wee Ones & Hooked Up lines in my Kids & Accessories collections.

*Each hat has been lovingly handcrafted by me, this allows for a true one of a kind touch to each individual version. I take great care in my work to create from a spiritually centered place in sacred space and with each piece being for the highest good. Before sending it off to you I also clear and bless it with Reiki. This meaningful and balancing touch allows you to receive or give, as the case may be, a truly heartfelt & soul-centered gift. If you’d like to know more about sacred space or Reiki you can contact Rev. Naware Danaus, RMT of Butterfly Phoenix Coaching.*

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